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Love Fuggler?

FuggClub is your all-in-one destination for tracking your collection, connecting with other Fuggler fanatics, and collecting exclusive digital goodies.

Whether you're a casual collector or a full-blown Fuggler hoarder, we've got everything you need to make your Fuggler obsession official.

Love Fuggler?

Take your Fuggler collection to the next level!

Physical Collection Tracking

Fuggler Checklists!

Track your IRL collection.

It's social

Fugg Fam Friends!

Customize your profile, make friends, geek out in forums.

Digital pins, stickers, buttons

Digital Goodies!

Collect, trade, and win!


Fun Trading!

Trade, buy, sell to complete your digital sets.

Fugglers Fuggler Logo Fugglers

Fugglers are funny-ugly monsters that will warm your heart and take over your life with their mischievous antics and straight-up bonkers appearance. Each Fuggler is out to cause chaos wherever they go… You can recognise these creepy creatures with their human-like teeth, vacant eyes, disturbing demeanour and signature BUTT-on hole.

Visit Fugglers!